
Sessions and workshops organized

  1. Hydro(géo)logie des bassins versants Session T2.1.
    Bouchez, C. & Brigode, P. (2023).
    Session held during the 28th Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST).
  2. When are hydrological data informative (or not)? Testing for information content in the face of sources of uncertainty. Workshop n°8.
    Brigode, P., Andréassian, V., Archfield, S., Beven, K., Crochemore, L., Gelfan, A., Lerat J. & Merz, R. (2022).
    Workshop to be held during the 11th Scientific Assembly of the IAHS.
  3. Hydro(géo)logie. Session T17.1.
    Bouchez, C. & Brigode, P. (2021).
    Session held during the 27th Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST).


  • Evaluation du modèle de prévision des crues GRP sur les bassins de l’est de la côté méditerrannéenne française.
    Vigoureux, S., Brigode, P., Tilmant, F., Astagneau, P., Perrin, C., Poggio, J., Dreyfus, R., Laroche, C. & Tric, E. (2023).
    Colloque SHF “Prévision des crues et des inondations – Avancées, valorisation et perspectives”, Toulouse, novembre 2023. Oral communication.
  • Consensus hydrologique de la tempête ALEX du 2 et 3 octobre 2020 dans les Alpes-Maritimes
    Pons, F., Bonnifait, L., Criado, D., Payrastre, O., Billaud, F., Brigode, P., Fouchier, C., Gourbesville, P., Kuss, D., Le Nouveau, N., Martin, O., Nomis, S., Paquet, P. & Cardelli, B. (2023).
    Colloque SHF “Prévision des crues et des inondations – Avancées, valorisation et perspectives”, Toulouse, novembre 2023. Oral communication.
  • Oral communications

    1. Quels sont les mécanismes à l’origine des périodes riches en crues observées à l’échelle européenne durant les 200 dernières années ?
      Brigode, P. & Oudin, L.
      Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Rennes, France. Oral communication.
    2. Simbi : base de données hydro-climatiques historiques et signatures de 24 bassins versants haïtiens
      Bathelemy Bathelemy, R., Brigode, P., Andréassian, V., Perrin, C., Moron, V., Gaucherel, C., Tric, E. & Boisson, D.
      Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Rennes, France. Oral communication.
    3. Intensité et fréquence des événements El Niño en Afrique de l’Est à partir de l’enregistrement saisonnier du Lac Afambo (Éthiopie).
      Mologni C., Revel M., Arnaud F., Sabatier P., Malet E., Chaumillon E., Coulombier T., Brigode P., Messous M., Develle A.-L. & Khalidi L.
      7eme édition du colloque Climat et Impacts (session “Événements climatiques extrêmes à différentes échelles de temps : fréquence, intensité et processus”), Saclay, France. Oral communication.
    4. Estimating the hydro-sedimentary impact of ENSO events in East Africa from seasonal resolution records in Lake Afambo (Ethiopia).
      Mologni, C., Revel, M., Arnaud, F., Sabatier, P., Malet, E., Chaumillon, E., Coulombier, T., Brigode, P., Develle, A.-L., Hervé, G. & Khalid, L. (2022).
      XVIIIème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (session 6.3), Brest, France. Oral communication.
    5. Towards a hydrological consensus about the 2nd - 3rd October 2020 ALEX storm event in the French Alpes-Maritimes region.
      Pons, F., Bonnifait, L., Criado, D., Payrastre, O., Billaud, F., Brigode, P., Fouchier, C., Gourbesville, P., Kuss, D., Le Nouveau, N., Martin, O., Nomis, S., Paquet, P. & Cardelli, B. (2022).
      IAHS Scientific Assembly (session S21), Montpellier, France. Oral communication.
    6. Spatio-temporal characteristics of heavy precipitation observed over the last 20 years on French Riviera coastal catchments.
      Vigoureux, S., Brigode, P., Poggio, J.; Nomis, S., Dreyfus, R., Delestre, O., Moreau, E., Ramos, M.-H., Laroche, C., & Tric, E. (2022).
      IAHS Scientific Assembly (session S21), Montpellier, France. Oral communication.
    7. Climate change and deforestation in Haiti: are historical hydro-meteorological observations relevant to describe present catchment hydrological characteristics?
      Bathelemy, R., Brigode, P., Boisson, D., Tric, E., Andréassian, V. (2022).
      IAHS Scientific Assembly (session S22), Montpellier, France. Oral communication.
    8. CAMELS-FR: A large sample hydroclimatic dataset for France to explore hydrological diversity and support model benchmarking.
      Delaigue, O., Brigode, P., Andréassian, V., Perrin, C., Etchevers, P., Soubeyroux, J.-M., Janet, B. & Addor, N. (2022).
      IAHS Scientific Assembly (session S33), Montpellier, France. Oral communication.
    9. Towards a hydrological consensus about the 2nd - 3rd October 2020 ALEX storm event in the French Alpes-Maritimes region.
      Pons, F., Bonnifait, L., Criado, D., Payrastre, O., Billaud, F., Brigode, P., Fouchier, C., Gourbesville, P., Kuss, D., Le Nouveau, N., Martin, O., Nomis, S., Paquet, P. & Cardelli, B. (2022).
      EGU General Assembly (session HS4.1), Vienna, Austria. Oral communication.
    10. Crue du 23 novembre 2019 sur la Côte d’Azur : comparaison de débits estimés par LSPIV et par modélisation hydrologique.
      Vigoureux, S., Liebard, L-L., Chonoski, A., Robert, E., Torchet, L., Poveda, V., Leclerc, F., Billant, J., Rousseau, G., Delestre, O. & Brigode, P. (2021).
      Colloque SHF Hydrométrie 2021 : “De la mesure à la prise de décision”, Montpellier, France. Oral communication.
    11. Tempête Alex du 2 octobre 2020 dans les Alpes-Maritimes : une contribution de la communauté scientifique à l’estimation des débits de pointe des crues.
      Payrastre, O., Bonnifait, L., Brigode, P., Astagneau, P., Baise, A., Belleville, A., Bouamara, N., Bourgin, F., Breil, P., Brunet, P., Cerbelaud, A., Courapied, Fanny, Devreux, L., Dreyfus, R., Gaume, E., Nicolle, P., Nomis, S., Poggio, J., Pons, F., Rabab, Y. & Sevrez, D. (2021).
      Colloque SHF Hydrométrie 2021 : “De la mesure à la prise de décision”, Montpellier, France. Oral communication.
    12. Are hydrologic-hydraulic coupling approaches able to reproduce Alex flash-flood dynamics and impacts on southeastern French headwaters?
      Brigode, P., Bourgin, F., Yassine, R., Delestre, O. & Lagrée, P-Y. (2021).
      6th International Conference SimHydro, Sophia-Antipolis, France. Oral communication.
    13. Comparison of streamflow estimated by image analysis (LSPIV) and by hydrologic and hydraulic modelling on the French Riviera during November 2019 flood.
      Vigoureux, S., Liebard, L-L., Chonoski, A., Robert, E., Torchet, L., Poveda, V., Leclerc, F., Billant, J., Dumasdelage, R., Rousseau, G., Delestre, O. & Brigode, P. (2021).
      6th International Conference SimHydro, Sophia-Antipolis, France. Oral communication.
    14. Modeling culverts in Basilisk.
      Amama, Z., Branco, N., Mangara, C., Mbonyinshuti, K., Yu, Q., Cottancin, T., Vigoureux, S., Brigode, P., Delestre, O. & Lagrée P-Y. (2021).
      6th International Conference SimHydro, Sophia-Antipolis, France. Oral communication.
    15. Simulation of the Alex Storm flash-flood in the Vésubie catchment (South Eastern France) using TELEMAC-2D hydraulic code.
      Lastes, M., Argence, A., Gandouin, A., Impératrice, C., Michel, P., Zhang, R., Brigode, P., Yassine, R., Delestre O. & Taccone F. (2021).
      6th International Conference SimHydro, Sophia-Antipolis, France. Oral communication.
    16. Hydrologic-hydraulic coupling for flash flood real-time simulation: Application to the October 2015 French Riviera floods.
      Charpentier-Noyer, M., Bourgin, F., Kirstetter, G., Delestre, O. & Brigode, P. (2020).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. PICO communication.
    17. Convertir les cartes hydrologiques en profils en long du débit des cours d’eau.
      Genot, B., Delaigue, O., Andréassian, V. & Brigode, P. (2019).
      Conférence UNESCO-SHF : Sécheresses, étiages et déficits en eau, Paris, France. Oral communication.
    18. Correction des cumuls journaliers satellitaires MSWEP pour l’analyse fréquentielle des pluies rares en Haïti.
      Bathelemy, R. & Brigode, P. (2019).
      Colloque scientifique : Les défis de l’eau, Université d’État d’Haïti, Port-au-Prince, Haïti. Oral communication.
    19. Real-time inundation mapping with a 2D hydraulic modelling tool based on adaptive grid refinement: the case of the October 2015 French Riviera flood.
      Kirstetter, G., Bourgin, F., Brigode, P. & Delestre O. (2019).
      5th International Conference SimHydro, Sophia-Antipolis, France. Oral communication.
    20. airGRteaching: How an interactive visualization tool can help students evaluate the performance of a hydrological model and understand the role of its parameters.
      Brigode, P., Delaigue, O., Thirel, G. & Coron, L. (2019).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. PICO communication.
    21. What type of floods are rainfall-runoff models able to simulate based on a long-term atmospheric reanalysis?
      Brigode, P., Wilhelm, B., Gailhard, J., Mathevet, T. & Oudin, L. (2018).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. PICO communication.
    22. airGR and airGRteaching: Two Open-Source Tools for Rainfall-Runoff Modeling and Teaching Hydrology.
      Delaigue O., Thirel G., Coron L. & Brigode P. (2018).
      HIC 2018. 13th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Palermo, Italy. Oral communication.
    23. Regional discharge reconstruction from tree-ring δ13C and δ18O values in eastern Canada.
      Dinis, L., Bégin, C., Savard, M., Marion J. & Brigode P. (2018).
      10th World Dendro conference, Thimphu, Boutan. Oral communication.
    24. Using the R package airGRteaching for teaching hydrology with lumped hydrological models.
      Delaigue, O., Thirel, G., Coron, L. & Brigode, P. (2018).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. PICO communication.
    25. Historical floods reconstruction using NOAA 20CR global climate reanalysis over the last 150 years.
      Jégonday, S., Brigode, P., Hingray, B., Gailhard, J., Mathevet, T. & Wilhelm, B. (2017).
      AGU General Assembly, New Orleans, USA. Oral communication.
    26. airGRteaching: an R-package designed for teaching hydrology with lumped hydrological models.
      Thirel, G., Delaigue, O., Coron, L., Andréassian, V. & Brigode, P. (2017).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. PICO communication.
    27. Are conceptual rainfall-runoff models robust enough to quantify the impacts of urbanization?
      Brigode, P. & Oudin, L. (2016).
      AGU General Assembly, San Francisco, USA. Oral communication.
    28. ANATEM Hydro sur les Alpes du Nord et du Sud : applications sur les bassins versants de l’Isère et de la Durance.
      Mathevet, T., Kuentz, A., Gailhard, J., Brigode, P., Marti, F., Richard, A., Andréassian, V., Garçon, R. (2016).
      Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Caen, France. Oral communication.
    29. De la simulation de séries climatiques en zone sahélienne à la simulation hydrologique : reconstitution des niveaux du lac Tchad (1851–2014).
      Bouchez, C., Brigode, P., Folton, N., Deschamps, P., Goncalves, J. & Sylvestre, F. (2016).
      Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Caen, France. Oral communication.
    30. Peut-on reconstituer de longues séries de crues par modélisation pluie-débit à partir d’une réanalyse atmosphérique globale ? Application au Fier et à l’Arve.
      Brigode, P., Wilhelm B., Hingray, B., Favre, A.C., Mathevet, T., Gailhard, J., Garçon, R. & Le Moine, N. (2016).
      Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Caen, France. Oral communication.
    31. Flood variability over 1871-2012 in Northern Québec: comparison of hydrological reconstructions based on tree-rings and on geopotential height field reanalysis.
      Brigode, P., Brissette, F., Caya, D., Nicault, A., Perreault, L., Kuentz, A., Mathevet, T. & Gailhard, J. (2015).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Oral communication.
    32. Méthodes probabilistes et déterministes d’estimation des débits extrêmes : Comparaison de résultats sur deux bassins versants de Colombie Britannique (Canada).
      Brigode, P., Mićović, Z., Bernardara, P., Paquet, E., Gailhard, J., Garavaglia, F., Garçon, R., & Ribstein P. (2013).
      SHF conference: Événements extrêmes d’inondation, Paris, France. Oral communication.
    33. UK extreme rainfall estimation based on weather pattern approach.
      Bernardara, P., Rau, M., He, H., Goodess, C., Brigode, P., Gailhard, J. (2013).
      EVAN2013 Conference, Siegen, Germany. Oral communication (invited talk).
    34. Sensitivity analysis of SCHADEX extreme flood estimations to the calibration period used for the MORDOR rainfall-runoff model.
      Brigode, P., Bernardara, P., Paquet, E., Gailhard, J., Garavaglia, F., Ribstein, P. & Merz, R. (2013).
      IAHS Scientific Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden. Oral communication.
    35. Sensitivity analysis of SCHADEX extreme flood estimations to observed hydro-meteorological variability.
      Brigode, P., Paquet, E., Bernardara, P., Gailhard, J., Garavaglia, F. & Ribstein, P. (2013).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Oral communication.
    36. How to introduce climate change into extreme precipitation predetermination? First attempts to tamper with the MEWP method.
      Gérardin, M., Brigode, P., Bernardara, P., Gailhard, J., Garçon, R., Paquet, E. & Ribstein P. (2013).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Oral communication.
    37. Assessing non-stationarity in hydrological extremes through SCHADEX method: Methodology and application to the Norwegian Atnasjø catchment.
      Brigode, P. & Paquet, E. (2012).
      FloodFreq WG3 meeting, Vienna, Austria. Oral communication.
    38. Comparison of a new rainfall-based weather patterns classification with 76 COST733 weather type classifications over Austria.
      Bernardara, P., Brigode, P., Gailhard, J., Garavaglia, F., Paquet, E. & Ribstein, P. (2012).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Oral communication.


    1. Evaluation de GRP et GR5H_RI pour la prévision des crues sur les bassins versants côtiers du sud-est de la France
      Vigoureux, S., Brigode, P., Tilmant, F., Astagneau, P., Perrin, C., Poggio, J., Dreyfus, R., Laroche, C. & Tric, E. (2023).
      Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Rennes, France. Poster.
    2. airGRgalaxy : des outils hydrologiques autour des modèles GR
      Delaigue, O., Thirel, G., Dorchies, D. & Brigode, P. (2023).
      9èmes Rencontres R, Avignon, France. Poster.
    3. Spatio-temporal evaluation of three rainfall prediction methods on French Riviera coastal catchments.
      Vigoureux, S., Brigode, P., Ramos, M.-H., Javelle, P., Poggio, J., Nomis, S., Dreyfus, R., Delestre, O., Moreau, E., Laroche, C. & Tric, E. (2022).
      17th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks (session PL2), Frascati, Italy. Poster.
    4. Catchments’ reactions to the Oct. 2nd 2020 heavy rainfall in the Maritime Alps (France): sediment transport measurements, sediment connectivity model in the Roya river and reconstruction guidelines.
      Chapuis, M., Martins, M., Adnès, C., Tissot, L., Martin, N., Salvan, L., Dreyfus, R., Compagnon, F., Douvinet, J., Brigode, P., & Fox, D. (2022).
      I.S.Rivers 2022, Lyon, France. Poster.
    5. Geomorphological alteration of urban rivers assessed by hydrological modelling.
      Saadi, M., Cheikh Larafa, A., Gob, F., Oudin, L. & Brigode, P. (2021).
      AGU General Assembly, San Francisco, USA. Poster.
    6. Using satellite rainfall estimations for the definition of heavy rainfall statistics on two Caribbean watersheds.
      Bathelemy, R., Brigode, P., Boisson, D.,Tric, E., Balieu, O., Duffar, L., Lecossois, G. & Randrianasolo, A. (2021).
      AGU General Assembly, San Francisco, USA. Poster.
    7. Runoff predictive capability of a simple LSTM model versus a proven conceptual model between diverse hydrological regimes.
      Hashemi, R., Brigode, P., Garambois & P.-A. & Javelle, P. (2021).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Poster.
    8. Geomorphological impact of storm Alex in the Maritime Alps, France: What can we learn from seismological observations?
      Chmiel, M., Godano, M., Piantini, M., Bakker, M., Gimbert, F., Brigode, P., Rivet, D., Ampuero, J-P., Courboulex, F., Sladen, A., & Ambrois, D. (2021).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Poster.
    9. Modeling the Impacts of Urbanization on Runoff Using the Building Footprint (1988-2014).
      Fox, D., Brigode, P. & Guyot, R. (2019).
      Colloque International Land Use Science, Paris, France. Poster.
    10. Are we able to detect hydrological impacts of beaver dams at the catchment scale?
      Devreux, L. & Brigode, P. (2018).
      8th International Beaver Symposium (IBS), Nørre Vosborg, Danemark. Poster.
      Best poster award!
    11. How long would we have to wait before (re)filling the Malpasset dam reservoir? An example of a teaching project done using R and airGR modeling packages.
      Roux, Q. & Brigode, P. (2018).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Poster.
    12. The potential for reconstructing the hydroclimatic variability in the boreal forest of Québec-Labrador from grand lake varved sediments.
      Poiré, A., Francus, P., Fortin, D., Lajeunesse, P., Brigode, P. & Trottier, A.-P. (2018).
      20th International Sedimentological Congress (ISC), Québec, Canada. Poster.
    13. airGRteaching : un package pour l’apprentissage de la modélisation hydrologique pluie-débit.
      Delaigue, O., Coron, L., Brigode, P. & Thirel, G. (2017).
      6èmes rencontres “R”, Anglet, France. Poster.
      2nd place for best poster award!
    14. Teleconnections between reconstructed long Canadian streamflow series and climate modes of variability over the 1851-2011 period.
      Brigode, P., Brissette, F., Perreault, L., Mićović, Z., Mathevet, T. & Gailhard, J. (2015).
      AGU General Assembly, San Francisco, USA. Poster.
    15. Tendances des paramètres hydroclimatiques sur le bassin de la Macta.
      Baahmed, D., Oudin, L., Brigode, P. & Errih, M. (2013).
      C.I. EAU 2013, Alger, Algeria. Poster.
    16. Calibration period dependence of extreme flood estimations (with a model-based flood frequency method).
      Brigode, P., Bernardara, P., Paquet, E., Gailhard, J., Garavaglia, F., Ribstein P. & Mićović, Z. (2013).
      AGU General Assembly, San Francisco, USA. Poster.
    17. Link between rainfall-based weather pattern classification over British Columbia and El Niño Southern Oscillations.
      Brigode, P., Mićović, Z., Bernardara, P., Gailhard, J., Paquet, E., Garavaglia, F. & Ribstein, P. (2012).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Poster.
      EGU Outstanding Student Poster Award.
    18. Complete application of the SCHADEX method on an Austrian catchment: extreme flood estimation on the Kamp river at Zwettl.
      Brigode, P., Bernardara, P., Paquet, E., Gailhard, J., Ribstein, P. & Merz, R. (2011).
      EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. Poster.