Since December 2023: Junior Professor Chair at ENS Rennes and Université de Rennes.
2015 - 2023: Associate professor at Université Côte d’Azur.
2014 - 2015: Postdoc at ETS within the EC3 research group and Ouranos (Montréal, Canada), advised by Pr. François Brissette. 10 months.
2013 - 2014: Postdoc at Irstea - now INRAE - (Antony, France), within the Catchment Hydrology research group, advised by Dr. Vazken Andréassian. 1 year.
2010 - 2013: PhD. thesis in hydrology, at Electricité de France - R&D (Chatou, France) and at the UMR Sisyphe - now Métis (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France), 3 years. Directed by Pr. Pierre Ribstein and advised by Dr. Pietro Bernardara.
2010: Master thesis in hydrology, at the UMR Sisyphe - now Métis (UPMC, Paris, France) (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France), 8 months. Advised by Dr. Ludovic Oudin.
2014: Winner of the CNFGG PhD thesis award, Hydrological Sciences section (CNFGG: French national comity of geodesy and geophysics).
2012: EGU Outstanding Student Poster Award of the “Climate: Past, Present, Future (CL)” division, for a poster presentation.
2012: Short Term Scientific Mission allowed by FloodFreq for a 3-week mission at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Halle (Saale, Germany).
Lectures of around 312 hours / year (average calculated over 6 academic years since 2015) within the water engineering department of Polytech Nice Sophia.
Teaching topics: hydrology, statistics, modeling, hydrometry, field trips, programming (mainly using R), database, GIS, professional communication.
Design of lectures and tutorials, contribution to the development of airGRteaching, an open-source R package devoted to teach hydrological modeling with the GR rainfall-runoff models.
2018-2021: head of the Water Engineering department of Polytech Nice Sophia (~170 students per year).
2015-2018: head teacher of the 3th year engineer students (~ 35 students per year).
Scientific communications: 13 peer-reviewed articles (see dedicated webpage) and more than 40 conference communications, 3 of which won awards (see dedicated webpage).
Session convening:
Peer-review activities: more than 20 reviews for different journals (e.g. Journal of Hydrology, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences), see my publons profil.
Supervision: see dedicated webpage.
Jurys de thèse :
Comités de suivi de thèse :
Membre du conseil scientifique du projet IDEX UCA EduMed piloté par le service éducation de Géoazur.